Extract BIR Annual Report 2019

Even though it happened as recently as 2017, the days when China was importing 28 million tonnes of recovered fibre in a single calendar year are now a fast-fading memory. According to Ercan Yürekli, guest speaker at our Budapest meeting2019年10月,中国纤维进口量可能跌至5 million tonnesin 2020, thereby further redrawing the international trading landscape of yesteryear.

But作为一个行业,我们一直将挑战视为机遇。Moments after outlining the daunting scale of the decline in China’s overseas fibre purchases, Mr Yürekli from the national association of Turkish paper and plastic recyclers and collectors (TÜDAM) was focusing on可能的替代媒体。His own country, he revealed, is expecting domestic paper industry capacity to jump from around 4.2 million tonnes in 2019 to between 6 and 7 million tonnes by the year 2023 – and yet the country is struggling to push its collection rate beyond 40%. Turkish recovered fibre imports have already soared from just over 300,000 tonnes in 2015 to nearer 1 million tonnes in 2019, with further growth to perhaps 2 to 3 million tonnes envisaged by 2023.

As noted at our meeting in Singapore last May, 2019 also brought a significant增加销售机会在其他国家,包括印度,马来西亚,印度尼西亚和菲律宾在内的最著名的国家也是如此。

Such observations provide us withmuch-needed hope for the futuregiven that, in Europe for example, there is a differential of almost 8 million tonnes between the 56.7 million tonnes of paper and board collected for recycling each year in Europe and the 48.8 million tonnes consumed. This surplus is structural in nature, with exports to markets outside of Europe representing the only obvious pressure valve.

Even though China was buying in 2019, its重点是购买美国材料。Thus, last year was characterized largely by a combination of high stocks along the chain, difficulties in finding export markets for our fibre and pressure on prices. Indeed, values close to zero or even into negative territory have been widely mentioned by industry members, alongside comments about the near impossibility of imposing recycling fees on suppliers to render viable some of our more marginal sorting and processing operations.

最重要的是margins have been so compromised在某些年级上,没有动力排序。这是在最初设想循环经济时的梦想场景中吗?作为一个行业,我们应该如何应对这种具有挑战性的市场状况?比以往任何时候都更重要的是production of high-quality materials that conform absolutely to the standards, needs and expectationsof our individual customers. If we fail in this regard, a significant proportion of materials will struggle to find profitable outlets or, indeed, any outlets at all.

As pointed out in Budapest by our General Delegate Sébastien Ricard of Paprec Recyclage, the purchase of manufactured goods from China and the subsequent return of the recyclable packaging to that same country for production of new packaging materials had created over many years循环经济的完美例子。But there has been little credit or appreciation for the二氧化碳排放以这种方式节省。

What these people should also know is that mills and governments throughout the world – not just in China – have become increasingly demanding with regard to the quality they are prepared to accept.质量不是附加额外的;如果要完成业务,这绝对是必需的。

由于出口方案和新的能力发展不足以吸收恢复的纤维盈余,很明显,欧洲和世界其他传统出口地区将需要花费更多的时间和研究来开发新市场 - 以及潜在的新产品媒体 - 对于可能的新产品 - 对于恢复的纤维。因此,很有趣和令人鼓舞的是听到我们部门的副总统马丁·莱安德(Martin Leander)瑞典的绝缘层和卫生部门一直在试验其产品中回收纤维的广泛使用。

Another inspiring thought was voiced in Singapore by our Honorary President Dominique Maguin.由于全球人口增长,对论文的总体需求将扩大他说,生产该论文的最佳方法是从再生纤维中,因为它价格便宜且污染较低。

“Our point of difference must be production of high-quality materials that conform absolutely to the standards, needs and expectations of our individual customers.”

Jean-Luc Petithuguenin

Paprec Recyclage (FRA)


Made from vegetable fibres called cellulose, paper as we know it today was first created in China more than 2000 years ago. Since the advent of the printing press in the 15thcentury, its use has spread across all continents to the extent that, currently, it is hard to imagine the world without this versatile material. Around 420 million tonnes of paper and cardboard are produced worldwide every year, with well over half of the raw material coming from recovered sources.

Some 50-60% of recovered paper comes from industry and business. This includes paper trimmings, cuttings and shavings from manufacturers and converters, as well as goods discarded before they reach the consumer, such as unsold newspapers and magazines. The remaining recovered fibre comes from households.


恢复纤维集合,值得注意的是,北America and Europe easily exceed local consumption needs and so overseas trade has become a major component of this market. But despite the environmental, social and economic advantages of the worldwide trade in recovered paper, flows have been disrupted over recent years. China established itself as the leading importer of recovered fibre, buying around 30 million tonnes per annum from overseas suppliers at one stage. However, the Chinese government has recently imposed more stringent import rules, with the result that overseas purchases are believed to have declined below 10 million tonnes in 2019 and are expected to drop still further.

Similarly restrictive import measures have also been introduced by other countries in Asia which had been leading buyers of surplus material from Europe, thus impacting the global market and creating widespread concern over the diminishing outlets for the world’s excess volumes because of a move away from the free trade principles supported by BIR.


纸and Board recycling in 2018

纸and Board recycling in 2018


PDFEnglish 2013 issue







According to industry estimates, paper can be recycled anywhere from 3 to 8 times. Each time recycling occurs, the fibres become shorter and weaker, and virgin pulp must be introduced into paper production to maintain the strength and quality of the fibre. Through this process, recovered paper and forest-based products complement each other ecologically and economically.

The recycling of paper follows a series of steps which may vary depending on the type of paper and its degree of deterioration.

Sorting:纸products must be separated according to their composition and degree of deterioration. Different types of paper can sometimes be mixed. Others, such as paperboard, are recycled using a single-grade process, meaning that no other type of paper can be mixed in during its processing.



Washing:The pulp is washed, refined and cleaned, then turned into a slush that undergoes filtering through screens and other separation processes to remove contaminants such as ink, clay, dirt, plastic and metals. Dyes, coatings and other additives can be introduced during this process. Water is continuously drained and cleaned for reuse.

Bleaching:In order to whiten paper, the pulp can be bleached using hydrogen peroxide and chlorine.

Pressing:所得的纸质纸,称为“ Web”,在巨大的滚筒之间按下,以提取尽可能多的剩余水,并确保均匀的光滑度和厚度。然后,半齐的网络通过加热的干衣辊运行,以去除剩余的水。

滚动:The finished paper is processed into large rolls ready to be manufactured again into new consumer products.


In some instances, ink is not removed from the recovered paper but instead is dispersed into the pulp, giving the recycled paper a greyish tint. If the ink is to be removed, there are two different methods which can be used:

Washing:As the paper is pulped, chemicals can be added to separate the ink from the paper and allow it to be washed away with large amounts of water.

浮选:Air can be passed through the pulp, producing foam that absorbs at least half of the ink, which can then be skimmed off.


  • Recycling a single tonne of paper saves 4100 kWh of energy, 1720 litres of oil, approaching 32,000 litres of water and an average of 17 trees, while preventing the emission of 27 kg of air pollutants.
  • Burning that same tonne of paper would generate about 750 kg of carbon dioxide.
  • Recycling cardboard requires only 75% of the energy required to make new cardboard.
  • 欧洲报纸回收委员会报告说,该大陆的纸质回收率从2010年的69%增加到2017年的72.4%。目的是到2020年达到74%。
  • According to the American Forest & Paper Association, the overall US paper recovery rate registered an all-time high of 68.1% in 2018.



Recovered paper is a valuable raw material that can be reused to create new paper and board products. Paper recovery is preferable to landfill or incineration for energy recovery.

What can be recycled?

Almost any household paper can be recycled, including used newspapers, cardboard, packaging, stationery, “direct mail”, magazines, catalogues, greetings cards and wrapping paper. It is important that these papers are kept separate from other household waste, as contaminated papers are not acceptable for recycling.




Depending somewhat on the paper grade, it can be recycled 3 to 8 times.

Would it be possible to use only recovered paper in paper production?


Is it possible to mix recovered and virgin fibres?

Yes it is, and this is done on a broad basis. Obviously, most paper products can be produced using only recovered or virgin fibres, but it is also possible to use both at the same time.


The method of collecting recovered paper depends on its source. From large industrial and commercial sources, the volumes are so high that they have dedicated collection equipment. For households, recyclable materials such as paper and board packaging, plastics packaging, etc. are collected together; in other cases, single-stream collections are undertaken.

How can the public contribute to increased paper recycling rates?

The most important contribution is to ensure used paper is made available for collection via whatever local system is in place, keeping it separate from contamination such as food waste which could render it unsuitable for recycling.